Predicting rain doesn't count,
carrying an umbrella does

(Sir Winston Churchill)

Risk comes from not
knowing what you’re doing

(Warren Buffet)

Latest monthly commentary

December 2024 Report

"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future" -  Yogi Berra

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Who we are

Saxe Coburg Limited is a privately owned portfolio management firm with global reach, providing clients access to a select group of managers from all over the world

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How we operate

We manage each client’s portfolio to an “investment mandate” which is designed to meet each clients’ objectives. Investment mandates are reviewed annually...

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our investment beliefs

We believe in investment talent.

Skilful risk control is the mark of the superior investor.

Risk is not knowing what you are doing.

Alignment of interest is fundamental.

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Minimising losses is central to the effectiveness of compounding returns and wealth creation

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+64 9 4894890

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437 Lake Road
New Zealand